Monday, November 19, 2012

November Randoms

A few randoms from the past few weeks:

Tobin is better than me at maintaining a smile when the photographer is taking 100 photos...

It snowed...

 ...and this is what they spent the rest of the day doing.

 Whenever I bring a new hat home it seems to disappear into the boys lair... which in this case was probably a good thing

Monday, November 5, 2012


Yeah, I thought it was pretty exciting.  Or as Nick would say 'tesighting'.

Tobin's class took part in a drawing contest put on by the local fire department.  The topic was to draw all the fire exits in your house and what you would do in a fire.

Said drawing:

Arrows indicate fire exits, figure crawling along the floor is a human escaping the fire.  Structure to the right of the house is the muster station. Revised: I realized that he drew the raised garden beds, and the chicken coop, partially obscuring the tree which was the muster station!  Pretty awesome eh!

And he won the contest!!  So today, he and another little girl from grade 1 were picked up from their school, in front of all their chums, by Revelstokes biggest fire engine.  They went for a tour of the town, passing by their houses and their parents work, honking horns and siren-ing all over town.  Tobin was pumped.  A little shy about it all, but pumped.


Then they went back to the fire hall and had a first class tour, sitting in all the fire trucks, climbing the tower, eating pizza with the firefighters.  Awesome.

There they go!

And this afternoon he drew this picture to thank the fire department