Sunday, June 24, 2007

A visit with Grandma/Nana/Gran or whichever title is chosen...

Gran from Ryan's side came up to Revelstoke for a visit this weekend and graciously facilitated Ann-Marie and I to go down to the music festival on Saturday to cut a rug sans baby! It was such a fun time, it gave us a whole new appreciation of freedom and being able to get out on a date and dance our faces off! Of course we were checking the cell phone every five minutes to see if Gran had called... But it was a gas. We also had a fun day climbing yesterday, goading and cajoling John into taking whippers, which he did bravely.


Albinoblackbear said...

AMG is my personal hero. No kidding.

Ryan said...

check out your husband there, cranking his face off!

Albinoblackbear said...

It's true, he is a rocker...but can we please but an embargo on those white pants from China?

Ryan said...

Those pants aren't very photogenic. Every photo of John is overexposed, white helmet, white skin, white pants.