Sunday, September 16, 2007

Almost Ambulatory

We spent the weekend hiking and camping in Mt Revelstoke Park. Wandered into Jade Lakes and camped up on the ridge to soak in the sunset. This morning we took turns rambling along ridges while Tobin slept. He was a star as usual. He's starting to get into the starting blocks so it looks like crawling is imminent... Yikes!


chskyridge said...

Wow you sure are an active family. Tobin is just about to get moving so you will have lots of exciting times to look forward to. Love to hear of your family doings.
Chris and Rick Higgins

Albinoblackbear said...

Great photos as per usual.You guys are like the military, getting more done before 6 am than most people do all day. My only question is when is Tobin going to stop lying around and start helping us with our drywalling? Kids these days are sooooo lazy.

Albinoblackbear said...

Hey--LCorn--isn't Johns blog wicked?