Monday, December 3, 2007

Storm #1

We're rejoicing in the first mega snow fall of the year, about 50cm has fallen since yesterday and it's still puking out. Unfortunately it's supposed to start raining later today... Oh well, the snowpack needs to be cleaned up a little anyway. Here are some pics from our walk this morning.


Anonymous said...

Wow...I love to look at it from here where it's still about 20 degrees!

Love me

Anonymous said...

what a beauty pic of mum and pup so happy to see the snow. we got a fair bit of snow here in ladner too, more than in west van! all gone now. luvya mum

Albinoblackbear said...

Apphia would be happy to see that amautiq in all it's glory AM! Looks like Tobin would fit right in up there in the Arctic. I wish I could be there to frolic in the pow with you guys! Alas I am here with my head up a textbook. Save some snowball fights for me :)