Monday, June 9, 2008


Well, I won't go into too much detail here, but The Men attended James stag on Saturday. I'm not sure what precipitated the events; maybe one too many vegetarian meals, too much time at Playgroup, or maybe even flashbacks to university where we were forced to listen to the Indigo Girls for years at a time...

John and Harry, post match

John and Rob, grappling.

Rory, first blood (not what you think... Okay, maybe it is.)


RSwood said...

Hi Ryan, thanks for not posting any photos of me rasslin' with my gut hanging out. watching those videos makes me want to go on the adkins' diet, like now.

Albinoblackbear said...

LOLOLOLOL! OMG--I love how both Harry and John have a look of drunkenness/confusion on their faces...and the pic of John and Rob checking each others's so PRIMAL. I am glad everyone made it out alive. It's so Heart of Darkness of you all. At least you guys went to yoga after to get your chakras back in check.

Anonymous said...

I love it...adults behaving badly. The kind of pictures you delete so your offspring never see them!
Here's to drunken, muddy stags.

Tobin's nan