Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back in the Blogosphere

Yes the holiday from blogging is over. Funny how things have been falling off the back lately, first it's downtime, then it's a clean house, next hygiene becomes elective. What's that? A prepared meal, never heard of it. Fish fingers and chicken nuggets all the way. Tobin and Nick are getting along better each day, but they also vacillate between being buddies and being enemies that fight to the death.

Anyway, a few pics:

Hot Rod!

Man toys

Nick, holding on tightly, ouch.

AMG after a 160km ride

"how y'all dewin?"


Feeding Brownie and Brownie across the fence

Dinnertime. Like I said about hygiene.


Anonymous said...

What a merry bunch, I forgot how fun mealtime can be. I think Tobin meant handburger. Glad you are back at the blog. love you lots jenmumgran

Albinoblackbear said...

HAHAHAHhaHAh--ok that made my day. Loved how Nick completely cracked himself up.

I too want more hamburger Tobin. I hear ya buddy, I hear ya.