Monday, November 8, 2010

Some phots.

roger Roger, what's your vector Victor?

"No Nick, it's Hydrogen, not Helium that's the first element on the periodic table"

Tobin and me, wearing our best 'realtor smiles'

Helping Grampa pump up his tires

Monday Night at Riverview


simmers said...

I love the realtor happy and perfect! Always a good time to buy!

Albinoblackbear said... to begin.

1) Thanks for finally posting some pics and vid.

2) Love the randomness of the boys in the kitchen. Awesome. I want to walk around in circles staring at my soother.

3) I would buy a house from Tobin, like...tomorrow. Wait, I am not going to have disposable income until 2020.

4) You guys make cute babies.

That is all.

Hugs from the Isle of Éireann. (Which is basically shut down and on red alert due to 1cm of snow btw.)