Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dude, where's my house?

Heavy Snowfall Warning: words that bring joy to our hearts.

I just checked in the yard and there's 120cm of settled snow! Houses are starting to disappear, and we're running out of places to put snow from the driveway and sidewalk. It just keeps dumping. We're in the middle of a snowfall warning tonight, then it's forecast to snow again by the end of the week...

The modified catapult technique: Step 1

Step 2: Uuuughhhhh!!

Mr. walkin' down the walkway...

Enjoying the fruits of his labour.

No swinging these days.

A recent sunny ski tour. Finally a day to get out of the trees after our recent mega-avalanche cycle. 100 year climax avalanches wiping out forests and closing highways for a week at a time. Awesome.


Anonymous said...

I know the strawberries are there somewhere, but wait, where's Mum and Dad? Awesome snow, wow. jenmumgran

Anonymous said...

Gee...looks so pretty from here....but you can keep it!

Humidity and temperatures here are soooo high that I could almost use a few seconds of rolling around in that white stuff.

Hey, at least you don't have to mow or water the lawn.

