Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fine fellows

I don't know what it is about these pictures of Nick that make me think he's just a little frenchman.

Mais oui, le jus de pamplemous!




These guys have been such stars these days, especially Tobin. I'm not sure what the change is, perhaps because he can now make it through the day without requiring a nap. But he's suddenly turned into this engaging, happy outgoing little man. He has some funny things to say as well, very observant things. Like "you like awesome things, dad." (this, of course, refers to me pointing out monster trucks and huge airplanes or diggers or anything destructive or powerful.)

I got to go flying around in my helicopter, sightseeing on Kinbasket lake this past week as well. I guess it was work, but it was pretty fun. We were looking for moose....

But we saw these instead:

It's not often you get such a good view of six fat, blood covered wolves lounging around in the middle of the ice. It was an amazing, stunning sight. Very lucky to see these wild, beautiful animals.

However, much of the time was spent doing this:


Albinoblackbear said...

Awwwwww!!! Those boys are just get more and more adorable. Now all Nick needs is a jaunty beret.

"You like awesome things" is probably the best statement a child has ever made to a parent. Hahahah.

Anonymous said...

What a cute little trio. I love the French that Nick already speaks!

Do they realize what awesome things they are, my precious boys. granmumjen