Thursday, July 7, 2011

Christina Lake!

Tobin just let a big one rip here. It's amazing (and hilarious) that 4 year old's can fart like full sized adults.

Mmmmm, there's nothing more delicious than a hot dog roasted over a fire. On a sandy beach.

Not so jazzed on sandy hot dogs.

One of our only family photos. As coordinated as it will ever get! And, no, my hairline is not thinning as it appears to be in this picture. Just for the record.

One thrilled. One terrified.

Boat ride boat ride!!

Boat ride boat ride!!

Boat ride boat ride!!

A bit of painting

Hats for sale


Albinoblackbear said...

Awww great shots!!

I meant to pass on HUGE congrats to Bevil and Alex--really excited for them, and all of you. Hope things are going well.

Nick's face in family photo is *priceless*.

Anonymous said...

I looove the family photo. The composition of feet and legs looks professionally arranged. Beautiful shot.
lotsaluv jenmumgran