Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Big Mountain Skiing

We've had an exciting breakthrough with skiing recently. 

Nick, of course, has been totally jazzed on skiing since he looked up and realized we're surrounded by mountains.  Upon which, snow falls.  And upon which medium one can attain tremendous speed with potential for grave injury.  All of which are pleasing to him.

Tobin, on the other hand, has been a bit more cautious in his enthusiasm for it. But since Christmas he's been improving exponentially!  Each time we go out there's a new breakthrough.  On the first day he was hanging on the leash pretty much all the way down.  On the second day he was off the leash half way down.  Then by 3/4 of the way down he was trying to ski powder and take jumps! Now he's more excited about skiing than anything. The halcyon days of teaching your kid to ski I suppose.  It's been super fun.

Last weekend I took them both, and the three of us skied down from the gondola (AMG is out again with ANOTHER torn acl...).  Before we left the house I was priming Nick on how it was going to work.  I was doing this to preempt the inevitable class 6 tantrum that occurs when he's tired and doesn't want to listen.  It went something like this:

Me: Okay Nick, if you want to go Big Mountain Skiing you need to listen to me and blah blah mwop mwop mwop, blah blah blah and mwop mwop mwop... AND I'M GOING TO PUT YOU ON A LEASH SO YOU DON'T GET AWAY (caps for effect, not real shouting)

Nick: I'm not a dog.

Me: No, you're not a dog, but I don't want you to ski off the edge of the mountain.

Nick: But I'm not a dog.

Me: No, you're not a dog. *mutters under breath* you're a #$*&@ animal sometimes though...

 Mid mountain snack, getting ready for lap two (3500' laps btw)

Day two of skiing under his own power.


Nature Nerd said...


Albinoblackbear said...

Ahhhhhhhh WICKED!!!

Oh and, can I somehow time shift the universe so I could have you guys as my parents!? Then there would be a glimmer of hope for my skiing abilities...

Great job with the boys.

And major BOOOOOOOOOOOO for the torn ACL! WTF?? Major downer. Sorry to hear that AMG. :(