Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nick's Birthday!

Nick turned three!  It was pretty fun amping him up about his birthday, talking about what kind of cake he wanted and a party etc etc.  Mostly he was excited to have a party, and when asked what he wanted for his birthday he said simply: "people".  Mr. Social.

His birthday cake was decreed to be a "monster truck with dinosaurs and lava and lollipops on it" (I think the lava and dinosaurs was influenced by Tobin).  But we had to settle for a plain superawesome monster truck cake.  He was SO excited to have a monster truck cake, however rudimentary.

yes, ladies, it's my birfday


According to Nick, he was 2 and a half until we had cake.  Then he was three.

"movin' to Montana soon, just me and my pygmy pony!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neat monster truck birthday cake Nick...can't wait to see you now that you're a whole 3 years old!

xoxo Nana