Saturday, May 5, 2012

Let's call a Table a Table

OK, I haven't made a post for a while and there isn't even an awesome photo to accompany it, just an amusing anecdote.  After partying at Rob and Sylvia's (thank you!) I came home with the kids and an overdue bed time (for the kids).  Nick, in his usual over-tired procrastinating manner, got up several times after some bedtime resistance to; first ask if we could please leave all the curtains open tonight; and second to ask what I was doing.  I replied that I was working on my paper (master's literature review, bla, bla, bla - my painful existence these days) to which Nick replied:

"No you're not, your working on your puter.  This is paper (pointing to paper) and this is your "puter".  The kid's got a point.

Then he goes on to educate me that this was a chair (pointing) and this is a table (pointing).  The lecture was not over.

While waltzing off to bed (for the 3rd time) Nick proposes: "Let's call tables tables, and chairs chairs, and lamp's lamp's, and walls walls".

Brilliance.  Pure brilliance. 

(those are MY genes!!! - more likely Ryan's)

Anyway, cheers to Cinquo de mayo


Ryan said...

Hilarious! Keeping us honest, that Nick..

Nature Nerd said...

Pure genius that Nick. And entertaining.