Thursday, October 18, 2012


Pretty light on ye olde blog posts lately... I've been meaning to put a pic of Tobin off to his first day of school up for awhile now, so finally here it is!

He was SO excited!  He had his backpack full of supplies, his jet fighter dress shirt and his favourite shorts all picked out for the day.  He's been loving it too, which I just can't relate to actually.  I'm always amazed how excited kids are about going to school.  I guess the jaded, slouchy part will come later...
Anyway, for now it's fantastic.

Incidentally, we finally managed to get them to wear pants for the first time since May.  Nick would still be wearing shorts to preschool if he had a choice, even though it's 3deg and raining out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know where Nick gets the shorts thing from as his PapaPaul is still wearing his too, along with sandals!