Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Last week some friends invited us to go fishing on Arrow lake with them.  I didn't tell the boys, but kept them ramped up by saying 'something awesome is going to happen tomorrow...'.  We got about 8 hours of really good behaviour out of them with that one.  They were PSYCHED when Todd came to pick us up with the boat on, and their two boys all camo-d up and vibrating in the back seat.

It wasn't just regular stand-on-the-shore-and-make-some-lame-casts kind of fishing.  It was fancy-20'-boat-with-electric-downriggers-rod-holders-barbeques-and-fish-finders kind of fishing.  Indeed, serious fishing.  Once set up we trolled around the lake, with me trying to keep an eye on the rods, but continuously upended by Todd who would shout "FISH ON!!!!" every now and then and jump up from steering to leap to the back of the boat to grab a rod.  Meanwhile I was left trying to figure out which of the four rods had the fish on.

It paid off though, here's Nick with his fish.  He didn't want to hold it.

Fish #2, very pleased.

I was the only one not dressed in camo.  Who knew camo was important even for fishing?

And one of the hens enjoying spring.


Anonymous said...

What a neat thing to do especially when the fish are biting!

The boys great-granny would have loved a day like that. She never ate fish but loved the thrill of the catching.

Anonymous said...

its difficult to imagine Nick hauling in that big fish. it sure is a beauty, well done Tobin too. what a super treat.
love you granmumjen