Monday, April 28, 2008

Home again

Back home last night. The trip from Boston was a long one. Up at 4:30, flight at 7:00, stop in Chicago, wait for an hour, stop in Seattle, wait for 3 hours, back to Vancouver 13 hours after leaving. Tobin was great but didn't sleep much. Here he is waving at the jets in Seattle. He REALLY loved watching the planes come and go.

A spoon and a bagel

Sniffing daffodils. We use the same hair dresser.


Albinoblackbear said...

...and apparently you two use the same fashion consultant as well!! hahah

John and I had a good chuckle at that one! :)

Anonymous said...

never thought of eating a bagel with a spoon. its good to teach them challenging concepts from the outset. it was wonderful to have you stop en route. lotsaluv

Ryan said...

I didn't even notice that we're dressed the same. How embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

apple never falls far from the tree (even with all the international travel)...