Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Helping out with the Truck

Tobin gave me a hand fixing the truck yesterday. He was very helpful, handing me all the sockets out of the socket set, then all the wrenches, then all the nuts that were required for the repair. Then he helped me by holding my legs while I quietly cursed rusty bolts, gravity and dirty undersides of pickups...

Helping out dressed in his European, 101 Dalmation shortpant suit

gddman, mthr... the last timeitrytofixthecoddmantruck...mmmumblemumblemumble....

Riding his inoperable remote controlled ATV from the thrift store. Don't get your hopes up Tobin, this is as close to owning an ATV as you'll ever get.

And here he is, live. I'm not sure what the trigger was for his dismount midway through and the hopping. Some kind of a Manchurian Candidate episode.


Anonymous said...

The only way to get any action is to do it yourself. good jumping Tobin. gran

Albinoblackbear said...


Hilarious. Random. Toddlers.