Monday, July 14, 2008

New Knee No Camera

I thought I'd better head off the disparaging comments about an outdated posting. Somehow, we've lost the camera. Or more accurately I've lost the camera but it's more fun to *shift* the blame to Tobin or the dog.
Anyway. Ann-Marie had knee surgery last Thursday and has probably broken the record for most extreme pendulum swing when it comes to activity. Four days before surgery she won the Calgary marathon. Four days after surgery she's lying around like a champion, eating bon-bons and reading more books than she's probably read in her entire life.
Things are going pretty well though, I'm amazed she hasn't gone crazy. Yet.
Once I find the camera, or buy a new one (any suggestions?) I'll put some pictures up of me beating her in a race down the street.

Here's a pic that'll do for now. Harry in a swamp.


Albinoblackbear said...

Go olympus or go home

I am still regretting my choice of cannon.

Though I know it is a poor workman that blames her tools.


Albinoblackbear said...

I've been up since yesterday at 1500h, that's my excuse.

Anonymous said...

hey guys, great seeing you last weekend!

On another note, has AM started a bidding war for big corporate sponsorships yet? If that guy that jumps over cars can get a sweet deal...

Ryan said...

You betcha. We're currently in negotiations with Walmart and Enron. I figure with Ann-Marie's new bionic leg she'll be able to carry a big placard strapped to her back for her next race. Show me the money!