Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Boys

Life has been busy. Babies, new jobs, recreation etc etc etc... Tobin is still hanging in there as some kind of superstar child that still seems to love his brother. I guess we'll just have to wait for the teenage years for the children to start acting out a scene from some African genocide.

Much to my chagrin, Tobin seems to have an affinity for Nick's head and particularly his fontanel. I can't stand those soft spots. "Don't stick your fingers in your brother's brains Tobin!"

Tobin enjoys climbing into Nick's 'entertainment center' and doing a bit of snuggling with him

There goes the bus!!! AWWWEESOOMMMME!

Bath time

I'm not sure what was being accomplished here, but I think Tobin is missing winter already.

More snuggling on the couch.

Here's a short video from the hospital, we just caught the last bits of Tobin singing 'happy birthday' to Nick.


Anonymous said...

Happiness is having a new baby brother to cuddle! Less than three weeks and I can play with both of them...yippee!

Love and many, many hugs,


Anonymous said...

Can't get over how Nick has changed. He looks like a younger Tobin now. Just love that shot in the bath, and so glad you have preserved 'huppa birday taya' and sharing the 'torner'. love mumjanjen

Albinoblackbear said...

Me thinks you guys have got a little Conway there! :)

Great pics.

You guys are such champs! I can't believe that you've got 2 now...