Monday, August 24, 2009

Bedtime Maneuvers

Tobin has recently learned that procrastination leads to later bed times.
Here are some of his strategies, most of which we go through each night:

"I need a bath, I'm hot"

"I'm thirsty"

"I want mom/dad to talk about my day"

"Where are my horses/cars/books?"

"I have to pee"

And then as we leave the room:

"Daaad, uhmmm... Talk about my day again?"


Jo-Ann said...

And then comes, I forgot I have some homework, I need to give you a hug, I need Dad to fix_______I can't sleep without him/it, Can I have the dog in my room, What time are we waking up again tomorrow, I can't sleep, Can I have another story, There is some thing in the closet...under my bed....noises coming form my brothers room I am scared, did you see the owie I got today it really hurts now, and so on and so forth. I am not sure when it ends, congratualtions on another "stage".

Anonymous said...

or you can just have him keep watch while you go to sleep. mjg