Friday, September 11, 2009

How to spend money

We went to the Armstrong IPE last weekend, unplanned. Just sort or ended up there. Somehow we managed to spend $100 in 2.5 hours (as well as take 10 years off our lives due to the trans fats, stimulation and virulence of the subjects on display.)



This bird looks like it fell from a great height. But it's actually just a miracle of animal husbandry

Spongiform encephalopathy


Tobin riding "Spice". This was a huge hit!

Some delicious exhibits


simmers said...

I love the splat-bird.

Albinoblackbear said...

Ewwww....makes me not want to eat cow anymore.
Looks like Tobin was having the time of his life though!

Is it called 'animal husbandry' when related to birds? That just doesn't seem right...