Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve at the Gillatrons

Getting four boys under six to sit still long enough to take a picture is challenging...

All ready for Santa. I think the adults are more excited than the kids.

Nick has started crawling, just in time for the myriad choking hazards associated with this festive season. Fortunately most of the decorations are situated above the height of the dog's tail so he'll be safe.

We've been hearing lots of hard-to-take news about friends near and far so I think we'll be spending the day appreciating our good fortune and trying to send our best vibes and thoughts out to all our best people.

Love from us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll bet that Christmas Day at the Gillatron household was a blast with those four little guys....'tis a boring day without children around I can tell you!

Much love,

Papa & Nana