Sunday, January 24, 2010

Finally downloaded all the images off the camera, so here are a few.

Tobin and Nick chillaxin' in their fort

Getting ready for bed, Nick looking like wise and amused. Tobin saying "I wanna see!", the same thing he says every time I take a picture.

Tobin and Coen riding the gondola. Tobin looks like a deer in the headlights because I told him there was a deer down there, the only way he would look at me.

Same day, getting ready to rip up the magic carpet!

Super-awesome magic carpet. Evidently the only reason to go down is so you can ride the magic carpet back up.

Some scenery: Grizzly Peak and Grizzly Chute

Looking towards Abbott Ridge, Afton and Bonney in the distance

Troy, working his way to the top. You can see Roger's Pass 1300m below.


Anonymous said...

That little Nick sure is growing fast. He will soon be riding the magic carpet too. love y'all. jenmumgran

Albinoblackbear said...

Boys=cute. What can I say? You guys make them adorable.