Friday, February 19, 2010

"I'm Flea!"

Tobin just celebrated his 3rd birthday on Valentine's day. It was pretty fun, he had all his buddies over, or as he refers to them "my people". Cake, booze, fatty pastries. Typical kid party.
Here's a selection of pics from the last little while.

How old are you?

Nice cake. That's right I made the cake*. When people found this out it was as if I had floated to the ceiling and danced upon it, they were so astounded.

Nick, doing some reading.

"The children are NOT for eating, Viking."


One of these things is not like the other....


Nick, Livia, Crazy Uncle Fester.


Cute babies and uhhh....

How DOES she do it? I can see this showing up on failblog...

"Help help, we're c-c-c-c-old!!"

Job perks

* Okay, so Ann-Marie iced it and put the strawberries on it.


canakiwi said...

Damn...wish I was only "flea"...physically instead of mentally!

AMG is obviously going for her PhMT...(phenominal housewife, multi tasking degree). What a woman...supported by what a man and two adorable little boys.

Three more months and we'll be back for some quality time with the kidlets...yippeee!


Ann-Marie said...

Looking forward to having you guys back in the "hood"!

Albinoblackbear said...

AWWWWW! I am the worst friend! I was falling asleep last Friday and thought "I CANNOT forget Tobin's birthday...I MUST call and wish him a happy birthday!"

Then I forgot. Like the dead-beat friend I am. :(

Happy Belated to the Lovely Man.

And yum on the cake front. I am seriously missing the Gill restaurant. I like the short hair AM!